Girls Night In, yeah, we talked about hair
A good friend of mine, Sarah, is moving back to Madrid after living in Liverpool for the past three years. I'm defintatly sad to see her go, but tonight we ended up having a few impromptu leaving drinks and inevitably the conversation ended up focusing on hair.
Well, it wasn't ALL about hair, there was the story about how Jeni broke all those eggs in Tesco, and some random music had us all a bit captivated, but quite often when I get together with friends we vent a bit about our hair and the kinds of experiences we've had with hairstylists, getting our hair done, what we like, hate, and want to warn people about. And yes, there's LOADS of things to warn people about!
There's no need to go into great detail, but it's been a fun night full of great conversation. Should you trim your hair when trying to grow it out? What happens when you go to a chain salon and they don't listen? Are those prices for real? Do false eyelashes look good, or do they just look fake? What about Ugg boots?!
I'm not taking responsibility for the last few of those, but it's all part of our everyday lives, and part of our conversation tonight. I'm all about the hair, and while I won't share all of the sordid details of everything we've talked about tonight, I'm glad I can chat with my mates and learn more about what they look for when they're looking at their hair in the mirror. It makes me proud of who I am, and glad I do what I do.
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