I created this collection called ‘Stymphalian’ along side award winning fashion designer Alena Kudera Johnson with collaboration from Ant Clausen highly recognised & accredited photographer.
Stymphalians are a legendary bird like creature from Greek mythology. They were pets to Ares the god of war. With Bronze beaks and sharp metallic feathers these creatures were to be taken seriously.
We wanted to create images that would show the softness, beauty and darkness of these creatures.
The idea of metallic feathers is what gave me so many ideas about colour and texture. I wanted to create hair that had metallic properties and texture of feathers. I chose to work with a colour palate of rose gold, copper, gold, silver, steel, bronze and faint verdigris.Along with natural tones found in hair colours, soft golden blonde to rich brunette. Using these tones to subtly paint the picture of the Stymphalian beauties. I wanted to produce texture using colour, not only styling. I used basic, advanced and creative colour techniques and colour mixtures to create each individual look.
When the styling was done on the day of the shoot I used many different tools and techniques to create each look. From a paddle brush to mini crimpers, there wasn't a type of texture I wanted to miss out, and I wanted it to be soft to contrast the idea of a strong metallic feather.
Alena had the same colour pallet and texture in mind when she created the garments. Using a mix of basic and high end materials to create an uneven texture through the garments. These girls were going to be transformed into something of legends!